Macro graph::graph

source ·
macro_rules! graph {
        with_node: $node:expr,
        with_edges: $type:tt,
        nodes: [$($ident:expr),*],
        connections: [ $($from:expr => {$(($cost:expr) $to:expr),+}),* ]
    ) => { ... };
        with_edges: $type:tt,
        nodes: [$($ident:expr => $node:expr),*],
        connections: [ $($from:expr => {$(($cost:expr) $to:expr),+}),* ]
    ) => { ... };
        nodes: [$($ident:expr => $node:expr),*],
        connections: [ $($from:expr => {$(($type:tt, $cost:expr) {$($to:expr),+}),+}),* ]
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Declarative way to create Graph instances with ease.

The macro has two main fields:

  • nodes: A list of node identifiers (names)
  • connections: A list of type identifier => connections

There is the possibility to create overloading equivalent macros to initialize sets of fields to the same value. E.g. the with_edges field makes all edges to be of a specific type.


use graph::{Graph, graph, count};
let graph: Graph<&str, (), u8, graph::Directed, u32> = graph! {
    with_node: (),
    with_edges: unchecked_next,
    nodes: [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" ],
    connections: [
        "A" => { (7) "C", (10) "B" },
        "B" => { (4) "C", (11) "D" },
        "D" => { (5) "E" }