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use crate::Children;
use leptos_dom::{Errors, IntoView};
use leptos_macro::{component, view};
use leptos_reactive::{
create_rw_signal, provide_context, signal_prelude::*, RwSignal, Scope,
/// When you render a `Result<_, _>` in your view, in the `Err` case it will
/// render nothing, and search up through the view tree for an `<ErrorBoundary/>`.
/// This component lets you define a fallback that should be rendered in that
/// error case, allowing you to handle errors within a section of the interface.
/// ```
/// # use leptos_reactive::*;
/// # use leptos_macro::*;
/// # use leptos_dom::*; use leptos::*;
/// # run_scope(create_runtime(), |cx| {
/// let (value, set_value) = create_signal(cx, Ok(0));
/// let on_input = move |ev| set_value(event_target_value(&ev).parse::<i32>());
/// view! { cx,
/// <input type="text" on:input=on_input/>
/// <ErrorBoundary
/// fallback=move |_, _| view! { cx, <p class="error">"Enter a valid number."</p>}
/// >
/// <p>"Value is: " {value}</p>
/// </ErrorBoundary>
/// }
/// # });
/// ```
pub fn ErrorBoundary<F, IV>(
cx: Scope,
/// The components inside the tag which will get rendered
children: Children,
/// A fallback that will be shown if an error occurs.
fallback: F,
) -> impl IntoView
F: Fn(Scope, RwSignal<Errors>) -> IV + 'static,
IV: IntoView,
let errors: RwSignal<Errors> = create_rw_signal(cx, Errors::default());
provide_context(cx, errors);
// Run children so that they render and execute resources
let children = children(cx);
move || {
match errors.with(Errors::is_empty) {
true => children.clone().into_view(cx),
false => view! { cx,
{fallback(cx, errors)}
<leptos-error-boundary style="display: none">{children.clone()}</leptos-error-boundary>