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use leptos::component;
use leptos_dom::{Fragment, IntoView};
use leptos_reactive::{create_memo, signal_prelude::*, Scope};
/// A component that will show its children when the `when` condition is `true`,
/// and show the fallback when it is `false`, without rerendering every time
/// the condition changes.
/// *Note*: Because of the nature of generic arguments, it’s not really possible
/// to make the `fallback` optional. If you want an empty fallback state—in other
/// words, if you want to show the children if `when` is true and noting otherwise—use
/// `fallback=|_| ()` (i.e., a fallback function that returns the unit type `()`).
/// ```rust
/// # use leptos_reactive::*;
/// # use leptos_macro::*;
/// # use leptos_dom::*; use leptos::*;
/// # run_scope(create_runtime(), |cx| {
/// let (value, set_value) = create_signal(cx, 0);
/// view! { cx,
/// <Show
/// when=move || value() < 5
/// fallback=|cx| view! { cx, "Big number!" }
/// >
/// "Small number!"
/// </Show>
/// }
/// # });
/// ```
pub fn Show<F, W, IV>(
/// The scope the component is running in
cx: Scope,
/// The components Show wraps
children: Box<dyn Fn(Scope) -> Fragment>,
/// A closure that returns a bool that determines whether this thing runs
when: W,
/// A closure that returns what gets rendered if the when statement is false
fallback: F,
) -> impl IntoView
W: Fn() -> bool + 'static,
F: Fn(Scope) -> IV + 'static,
IV: IntoView,
let memoized_when = create_memo(cx, move |_| when());
move || match memoized_when.get() {
true => children(cx).into_view(cx),
false => fallback(cx).into_view(cx),