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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "stable"), feature(proc_macro_span))]
//! This crate contains the default implementation of the #[macro@crate::server] macro without a context from the server. See the [server_fn_macro] crate for more information.
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use server_fn_macro::server_macro_impl;
use syn::__private::ToTokens;
/// Declares that a function is a [server function](https://docs.rs/server_fn/).
/// This means that its body will only run on the server, i.e., when the `ssr`
/// feature is enabled.
/// You can specify one, two, or three arguments to the server function:
/// 1. **Required**: A type name that will be used to identify and register the server function
/// (e.g., `MyServerFn`).
/// 2. *Optional*: A URL prefix at which the function will be mounted when it’s registered
/// (e.g., `"/api"`). Defaults to `"/"`.
/// 3. *Optional*: either `"Cbor"` (specifying that it should use the binary `cbor` format for
/// serialization) or `"Url"` (specifying that it should be use a URL-encoded form-data string).
/// Defaults to `"Url"`. If you want to use this server function to power a `<form>` that will
/// work without WebAssembly, the encoding must be `"Url"`.
/// The server function itself can take any number of arguments, each of which should be serializable
/// and deserializable with `serde`.
/// ```ignore
/// # use server_fn::*; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
/// # #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// # pub struct Post { }
/// #[server(ReadPosts, "/api")]
/// pub async fn read_posts(how_many: u8, query: String) -> Result<Vec<Post>, ServerFnError> {
/// // do some work on the server to access the database
/// todo!()
/// }
/// ```
/// Note the following:
/// - You must **register** the server function by calling `T::register()` somewhere in your main function.
/// - **Server functions must be `async`.** Even if the work being done inside the function body
/// can run synchronously on the server, from the client’s perspective it involves an asynchronous
/// function call.
/// - **Server functions must return `Result<T, ServerFnError>`.** Even if the work being done
/// inside the function body can’t fail, the processes of serialization/deserialization and the
/// network call are fallible.
/// - **Return types must implement [Serialize](https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/trait.Serialize.html).**
/// This should be fairly obvious: we have to serialize arguments to send them to the server, and we
/// need to deserialize the result to return it to the client.
/// - **Arguments must be implement [`Serialize`](https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/trait.Serialize.html)
/// and [`DeserializeOwned`](https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/de/trait.DeserializeOwned.html).**
/// They are serialized as an `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
/// form data using [`serde_urlencoded`](https://docs.rs/serde_urlencoded/latest/serde_urlencoded/) or as `application/cbor`
/// using [`cbor`](https://docs.rs/cbor/latest/cbor/).
pub fn server(args: proc_macro::TokenStream, s: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
match server_macro_impl(
) {
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
Ok(s) => s.to_token_stream().into(),