Crate leptos_dom

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The DOM implementation for leptos.



  • Types for all DOM events.
  • A variety of DOM utility functions.
  • Exports types for working with HTML elements.
  • Exports types for working with MathML elements.
  • Server-side HTML rendering utilities.
  • Server-side HTML rendering utilities for in-order streaming and async rendering.
  • Exports types for working with SVG elements.


  • Uses println!()-style formatting to log warnings to the console (in the browser) or via eprintln!() (if not in the browser), but only if it’s a debug build.
  • Uses println!()-style formatting to log errors to the console (in the browser) or via eprintln!() (if not in the browser).
  • Uses println!()-style formatting to log something to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
  • Uses println!()-style formatting to log warnings to the console (in the browser) or via eprintln!() (if not in the browser).


  • A user-defined leptos component.
  • Custom leptos component.
  • Represents any View that can change over time.
  • The internal representation of the DynChild core-component.
  • A component for efficiently rendering an iterable.
  • The internal representation of the Each core-component.
  • HTML element.
  • A unique key for an error that occurs at a particular location in the user interface.
  • A struct to hold all the possible errors that could be provided by child Views
  • Represents a group of views.
  • Control and utility methods for hydration.
  • A stable identifier within the server-rendering or hydration process.
  • An owning iterator over all the errors contained in the Errors struct.
  • An iterator over all the errors contained in the Errors struct.
  • Contains a shared reference to a DOM node created while using the view macro to create your UI.
  • HTML text
  • Wrapper for arbitrary data that can be passed through the view.
  • The unit () leptos counterpart.
  • The internal representation of the Unit core-component.


  • Represents the different possible values an attribute node could have.
  • Represents the different possible values a single class on an element could have, allowing you to do fine-grained updates to single items in Element.classList.
  • The core foundational leptos components.
  • Represents the different possible values an element property could have, allowing you to do fine-grained updates to single fields.
  • A leptos view which can be mounted to the DOM.



  • Log an error to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser), but only in a debug build.
  • Log an error to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
  • Log a string to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
  • Log a warning to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
  • Creates a shared reference to a DOM node created while using the view macro to create your UI.
  • Returns the Document.
  • Returns true if running on the browser (CSR).
  • Returns true if debug_assertions are enabled.
  • Returns true if debug_assertions are disabled.
  • Returns true if running on the server (SSR).
  • Runs the provided closure and mounts the result to the provided element.
  • Runs the provided closure and mounts the result to the <body>.
  • Returns the Window.